辽宁阜新光磊制罐厂位于辽宁阜新市——中国液压之都,玛瑙之都。坐落于阜新市细河区四合路与玉龙路交叉口,距离阜锦高速1公里,长深高速2公里,且设置阜新互通,交通交通运输方便快捷。公司主要从事金属罐定制服务。主要分为:金属容器和S/F双层罐,金属容器主要有:各种物料储罐,如:储水罐,储粮罐,地埋罐,油罐,双层罐,散装水泥罐……,工作罐,如:搅拌站用水泥仓,洗煤用浓缩罐,辽宁阜新光磊制罐厂是一家专业的制罐企业。 本公司产品销售业务遍布于辽宁周边各市县,内蒙的用户也络绎不绝,这些得以公司多年的专业技术和以“诚信为本”的工作理念有很大关系,阜新光磊制罐厂携手众多合作者,力求为用户提供质优价廉的罐类产品,打造阜新光磊制罐厂新的辉煌,罐类产品主要的原材料是铁板及钢板,我们积极与钢铁公司建立信息密切沟通,限度的缩短原材料的进货渠道以及繁琐的采购流程,从而降低原材料采购成本。有效的实现了与用户的互惠互赢。阜新光磊制罐厂钢板加工部门配套数控火焰切割设备数台、等离子切割设备、钢板折弯卷圆焊接设备及一系列深加工设备。进一步提高了制造效率,阜新光磊恪守诚信经商,真诚合作,互惠互利的准则,广交天下商友。光磊制罐、诚信天下。光磊与您携手共同攀登事业高峰。


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    Our website has opened!

    Our main business "双层油罐;水泥罐;地埋油罐;运行罐;立卧式储罐;大型储备罐;钢结构工程;加油站网架;油站装修设计;管道油气回收;双层复合管道" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 阜新市细河区四合镇河东村.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 侯传洲
  • 13274186777
  • www.fxguanglei.com
  • 123000
  • 阜新市细河区四合镇河东村